List of Corporate Headquarters in MERTERT

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NAVIMER S.A. LUXSHIPPING S.A. IKAV Geothermie S.à r.l. W.B.S.L. S.à r.l. NSEARCH S.A. Avenir Construction SIRA Sàrl SUPERFILM EUROPE S.A. FARREYROL, Guillaume Aymeric SHIPSTA S.à r.l. BLUE ART PROMOTION S.à r.l. Kompetent SA LORANG S.A. VentureSkies S.à r.l. FABA Logistics S.à r.l. K-LOG Transports & Logistique S.à r.l. Heisa SARL MEDEXLITE Société Civile Particulière CLINLUX S.A. HOLDING Tptc Hurt Entreprise d'Electricité ELECTRICITE ANDRE HURT & Cie MOLUX S.à r.l. Soluxtec Distribution S.A. LUXOIL PJS GmbH REInvest Asset Management S.A. BIG PICTURE SOLUTIONS S.à r.l. M - S TRUCKS S.à r.l. EVI Lux II S.à r.l. MATAR S.à r.l. SAR Creative Marketing AG Peters SARL Société Pinnel & Boonen Société civile Paulus Michel Lux-Clean-Building-Service SARL HOFRA-LUX G.m.b.H. polygOnetic S.à r.l. ETS Trade S.à r.l. CEE - Marketing - Consult SA SciPharm S.à r.l. Transport Team Lux Media-Forum Fries-Bojahr SENC MARINE PROJECTS (Luxembourg) S.A. La Palmeraie SARL Trans-Euro-Lux SARL Euro-Agent Cumulux SARL Eu-invest Holding Karat Hawk Group HAWK MANAGEMENT S.A. Hawk Holdings Schmitz-servé Agria Benelux GALABAU MOCK S.à r.l. All-in Transporte Luxemburg SA Muller & Partner SARL Paul Wirtz S.àr.l. M13 S.A. M13 MARITIM S.A. NP & LJ Immo SCI ZIKA SHOP S.à r.l. NS Consult S.A. Habel, Mirko Maximilian Erik Lumicon SARL-S TRANSERV SARL Plt Lux SARL AVANTAG INTERNATIONAL S.a. Portlux TD HOME RENOVATION S.à r.l.-S Star-events Plier, Tessy Schou Margot Zeimet Margot Eco SARL IKAV Renewable S.à r.l. SUSI Renewables 2 S.à r.l. T-Logistics Kobi Cars Lux Efficiency Solutions 1 Sàrl Atlas Asset S.A. Inter-tours SARL LUX-DESIGN GmbH SR-Autoglas S.à r.l. Euro Financial Control And Tax Consult Investify S.A. Syndicat D'Initiative Et De Tourisme Mertert CASA INVESTMENTS S.A. Faber Erny Greif Logistics & Rent Security-Service-Schmitt SA Backes René Air Consult Team SA SEISMIC CHANGE SUSTAINABILITY S.à r.l. Five Financials Holding DRINK STOP S.à r.l. Hospitalschiff Wind of Change GLOBAL ASSET INVESTORS S.A. RECALUX, société à responsabilité limitée Recalux Trading SA Restaurant-Brasserie Saint-Martin SARL KD Europe S. à r.l. SG - Constructions S.à r.l. Ts Massivhaus SARL LORENTZWEILER RETAIL INVEST S.A. Sage Tankschiffahrt NAVILUX SCHIFFFAHRT S.à r.l. Tanklux Idility CSP S.à r.l. Gta Gotra GmbH Sunshine Gems SARL IKAV General Partner S.à r.l. IKAV Global PV S.à r.l. IKAV Global Energy S.à r.l. IKAV EE S.à r.l. IKAV Invest S.à r.l. IKAV GEIS S.à r.l. IKAV Impact S.à r.l. IKAV Transition S.à r.l. IKAV Media S.à r.l. Life Value GP S.à r.l. Agirs SARL Stein-agir Omega Alpha S.A. SIS HoldCo PL Kokotow SARL Outlet 24 S.A. Institutional Investment Partners S.à r.l. Trade Receivables Finance S.A. Luxicon Euro Snack SA Time Power Advantage Innovation Sales LUX S.à r.l REInvest Services S.à r.l. EMPORIA S.à r.l. Bohr, Karl-heinz Böhm F. Dania Presents S.Pers.R.L Andy Schleck Cycles Mousel CONVERTER TECHNOLOGIES LUXEMBOURG s.a r.l. Robin One SA Discount Shopping SA Product Placement Europe TREND LINE S.à r.l. Börner Luxemburg SARL Traqua S.à r.l. CARAH s.à r.l. Luxtron SARL NORDBORN I S. à r.l. Ima SARL Maison De Luxembourg SA STRATODEV S.à r.l. Gh Luxbau SARL Foyer de Jour : Waasserbelliger Spatzenascht Kiemen, Sascha Lux-pharma SARL Das Digital Achiever Systems Agence Wasserbillig Mb Wasserbillig U.S. Tv United Store-tv SARL LIVINGSTONE LUX S.à r.l. Jérôme's Fishing Shop S.à r.l. RIMAN S.à.r.l. Riman RE Solutions S.à r.l. BLOCKNOTE S.à r.l.-S Euro-Auto SARL Aqua-Trans SARL Noventum S.à r.l. Reviso Expert-comptable SARL Xpert automation S.àr.l. Frederick Weiss & Associates S.à r.l. Euro-kurier-service SARL Compass It IDI Investment S.à r.l. Wohnen Plus SCS SICAV RAIF Fries, Kai Manfred Teamwallet S.à r.l. Boissons Stoltz SARL Peters MAXENTRUST SARL-s Schieben Leichtmetall- Und Stahlbau SARL FU HUA S.à.r.l. Peinture Baranowsky S.à r.l. UVB GALA Bau SARL Brand Art Media, Pavel Strekalovski 3S Security S.A. Neimann SARL Green Mile Sàrl FERREIRA BORGES SARL Ing.- Büro KE S.à r.l. Kontor Europe SARL Luxemburger- Bau-Service (L.B.S.), S.à.r.l. Susi Sustainable Energy SUSI Energy Transition S.à r.l. DECO LINE S.à r.l. Prime Real Estate Fund SCA SICAV-SIF. Schumann, Waldemar Waldemar KRONAUER Handel & Logistik AG Surprise-team SA Wolf, Guy Jean Marie Camille Wolf Ferdy LUCOM SA Rhein Asset Management (Lux) S.A. Primus S.à r.l.-S Chorale Mixte Ste Cécile Mertert, ASBL WKM Werbemittel Klein Mertert S.à r.l. Aeromodelisme Mertert-wasserbillig Cimw, Centre D'Intervention Mertert-wasserbillig, ASBL Hélicoptère Coopérative Mertert SOCIETE DU PORT DE MERTERT S.A. Société Luxembourgeoise De Manutention Du Port De Mertert A.E.M. ATELIER ELECTRIQUE MERTERT S.à.r.l. Tennis - Club Mertert Wasserbillig Video Center Prosperi Ernest Café L'Ancre PBC LUX S.à r.l. Boucherie-charcuterie Fonck-bernard SARL BC @ TC Business Consulting @ Trade Company S.à r.l. Mihic Jürgen TB Metal S.à r.l. Assets-Group S.à r.l. Nero Shipping S.A. SQL Solutions S.à r.l. Palais Des Parfums SARL Product Placement Europe SARL Immo-Kampen SA real added value SCS, SICAV-RAIF R & K Bau, vGmbH BEDA REGIEBAU LUXEMBOURG S.A R.L. DAULUX S.A. Internationale Transport & Spedition Glou-glou Miam-miam, SARL Scherf SARL Schulz Bau SARL LO-TRANS LUXEMBOURG S.à r.l. Caesar Carrelage Homesystem SA Trifa SOC.CIV. All About It Systems SA All About Hair I S.à r.l. All About It SARL Sol Estate PropCo IE Dublin Landings SARL DKV Hauptagentur Altmeyer & Beer S.A. techlabs sàrl-s Kb Trade Lux SARL Toft Sören CESAR S.A. SPF CHEMSERVICE S.A. MARK I S.à r.l. GENERAL FLOOR S.à r.l.

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