List of Corporate Headquarters in SLAGELSE

Search a company in Denmark with your criteria (trade name, adress, Danish registry number...). provides business and credit information about Danish firms.
If your company is active in international trade, our service can bring you in-depth information about your customers, competitors or suppliers. Monitor their financial performance and credit score, check if there are pending legal suits or procedures (liquidation, insolvency,...).
Follow changes in legal forms, executives and legal representatives...

If you intend to initiate a search of business partners worldwide, you need to really know about your prospects. The Business report brings you this information : Danish register data, shareholders, corporate group structure worldwide will help you to grasp the real dimension of a company.
With the credit rating, specifically computed in Denmark, you will be able to compare and appreciate the credit-worthiness and the risk of failure of a Danish company.

Bato Nordic A/S Nordisk Numismatisk Unions Fond v/Henning I Larsen Mares ApS Ultimate Trading ApS Lrconsulting ApS Lund's Auto v/Thomas Lund Andersen Helsingebo Tvl ApS Cly ApS Astro Ejendomme ApS Den Glade Hotdog Comfortzone Selskabet af 17.04.1986 A/S I Likvidation Vinnuskipti Ehf. Gardenco ApS Mec Automobiler ApS La-Ras ApS Big Bite Frost I/S Zack Rengøring A I G Shisha Fenia Whothat ApS Massenberg Activities ApS Trendesk ApS Lorrys Service og Maskinudlejning Jms DK ApS Cerebro IVS Perle Kompagniet I/S Stigefabrikken.DK ApS Stepshops ApS Star Service Sejs Log ApS Hexio Hexio ApS I/S Sim Clean-Factory I/S Vestfragt A/S Stald Ibsen v/Sanne Thrane Ibsen Beauty 4 You Westrup ApS Ajour-Team v/Henriette Westrup Gea Food Solutions Denmark A/S Mijo Invest ApS Fritz Hangartner Feriebureauet DK ApS Feriecenter Bornholm ApS Pro Venti ApS Ate Energy ApS Ate ApS Dansk-Kinesisk Kultur Innovation ApS Kmh Finans ApS Starteam I/S Js Holding af 10. September 2009 ApS R/R Trading I/S Ravn Holding ApS Smcp ApS American ApS Ibsens Rengøring ApS Ibsen Holding ApS Third Wave Entertainment Holding ApS Martin's Unique Modern Furniture ApS Meduza Krøjerup Entreprise ApS Danspar ApS Ma Cargo Egons A/S Banani Digikom ApS Mørck Ejendomme ApS Mørck Holding ApS Mørck Ejendomme Handyteam Sjælland ApS Dania Software A/S Ml Auto Service Multiplier Technologies Denmark ApS Hjortkær Invest ApS Anders Salomonsen Holding ApS Afry Holding IVS T. Hartmann Holding ApS Anwiha Holding ApS Birger ApS Nord Design Mërk H.H. Consult & Invest ApS Gail's Service Fischers Vikar 24/7 ApS Søren Hansens Maskinfabrik Lindberg Retail Concept NV-Ox A/S Eliten ApS Paronordic ApS Nordic Elite Holding ApS Sima Consulting Acra ApS K-Kirkeby Rs & Company Biltema Real Estate Denmark A/S Ultrafilter ApS Eksica ApS Areas Bjerregaard-ApS Ktb Totalbyg A/S Pet For Life ApS Auto Multiservice S.m.b.a Multiservice S.m.b.a Hallelevgården v/Kenneth Fischer Madsen Frese Ejendomme ApS Top Partners A/S Hbs Invest 2010 ApS HT Ejendomme Slagelse ApS HT Ejendomme Slagelse II ApS Wannabe Shoes ApS Ehs Holding II ApS Nn 17.10.2017 ApS J. Vestergaard Holding ApS Phoenix ApS Mads Schelde Berg Holding ApS Rad Rocket ApS R.H Byg Sinnet Idea Holding ApS Byggefirmaet H. Daugaard ApS Wood-Ish Super Vinduespolering Jhg v/Jacob Holm Indkøb Sok Invest Kongskilde Friluftsgård Fast5 F5microtech ApS Unique Trade My Pen Trelleborg If Patriarklejr Nr. 16, Trelleborg Trelleborg Entreprise Y's Men Trelleborg/Storstrømmen Trelleborg Spejderne Winners Ohana Aerial I/S Shoutexpo Aqua Park Ev Ejendomme A/S Dansk Revision Slagelse Godkendt Revisionsaktieselskab Ms Logistics ApS Panda Star X-Ray Md ApS Autoexim ApS Config IVS K. T. Huse ApS Templum Mp-Shop Sendia Thomas Birkholm Hsl Grøn Service Syncronet ApS Capture Consultancy M. M. Group ApS Mgm Marketing Metso Minerals (Denmark) A/S Mermaid Gruppen I/S Emmanuel Arts Danmark Antvorskov Renewables ApS Danwork I.I.F. ApS Registrering Danmark ApS Symphonea ApS Finance 4u A/S Vision C A/S Nova I/S Merkur Service N.J.A. Trading Milla-Petit Denmark S.m.b.a Milla-Petit ApS Milla-Petit Marmaris S.U.M.O. Lr-Shoppen I/S Massage4you Byg2015 IVS Ab Pladeteknik v/Michael Bach Faktura Import ApS Tsf-Træning I/S Nordbo v/Carsten Nordbo Nielsen Petterson Consult v/ Flemming Petterson Kildevang A/S Kildevang Invest ApS Green Invest Kongevejens Murer og Byg ApS Steelite Capella Wind IVS Ucap Asset Management Fondsmæglerselskab A/S I Likvidation Quadrant Maybrittsen ApS Fordelingssekretariatet For Friskoler og Private Grundskoler S/I Winthers ApS Bms Invest ApS Q-Consult Quality Consulting ApS Plantasma Amerk I/S Enjoy Sport Danmark ApS Nashua Finn Niemann-Jensen Berg ApS Cdt Ad Ejendomme ApS Will Art Fair Friends Hagemann Group ApS Diws Holding ApS E-D Al-Ex Trading ApS Apris ApS Strada Auto ApS Danish Food Company Slagelse A/S Danish Food Company A/S Erling Dalgård Olsen Borgstrup IT & Blockchain Consult Scandinavian Invest Stie Holding ApS Arbe-IT Cj Adm Bakers Taxi ApS Nzt Global ApS Tips og Travkiosken Slagelse ApS Strada Holding ApS Seagull ApS Campinggården Slagelse A/S Campinggården Holding ApS Andersen Ejendomme 2016 ApS Mc Service. Forlaget Jofa / Jofa Models v/Kristoffer Falk Asd 60 IVS All Safe ApS Anne Gro Holding ApS Gårdejer Ove Andersen Danapak Flexibles A/S Anni Pind Landbrug v/Carsten Madsen Ab Catering Slagelse A/S Ejendommen Nytorv 4 v/Jonna Pedersen Vest Transport v/Jesper Bruun Pedersen Dako Holding ApS Ligeover Holding ApS Nilpeter Holding ApS Nilpeter-Fonden C.A. Nielsen & Petersens Maskinfabriker A/S Nilpeters Personaleklub

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