List of Corporate Headquarters in MERCHTEM

Search a company in Belgium with your criteria (trade name, adress, Belgian registry number...). provides business and credit information about Belgian firms.
If your company is active in international trade, our service can bring you in-depth information about your customers, competitors or suppliers. Monitor their financial performance and credit score, check if there are pending legal suits or procedures (liquidation, insolvency,...).
Follow changes in legal forms, executives and legal representatives...

If you intend to initiate a search of business partners worldwide, you need to really know about your prospects. The Business report brings you this information : Belgian register data, shareholders, corporate group structure worldwide will help you to grasp the real dimension of a company.
With the credit rating, specifically computed in Belgium, you will be able to compare and appreciate the credit-worthiness and the risk of failure of a Belgian company.

Sanchez Patrick Vannitsem Sébastien Sobefa Anyseals Next Event Korboo Creon Auto-Tech Vereniging van Mede-eigenaars Residentie Angelus te Merchtem, Stationsstraat 76/A Simon Natacha Les Constants Care for All Clyvan Wijns Gunter Magnus Joost Magnus René Magnus Johan Mobile Trailer Service M&M Cars B-Wise Wise.Be B-ITS J&W Enterprises STRO Hello Meat POMM Sire en Co. The Fashion Society Point Carre Franchise Bennaerts Shelly Tsuya Matrix Cars Wako Bass Music Avenue Real Estate Devan Group Wyns It Solutions Renier Consulting Vrijders S echtg Van den Borre L De Sutter Marc Jean Biemar Thierry Valomco DL-M Be Smart Velocity Foundation Questiaux Philippe EAT Wise Asfaltwerken De Vrieze Mertens Kevin Alpa-Decor Delvento Resu marketing-Expertise-Coaching Van den Borre Barak Petro D O De Bierschuur Van Zeghbroeck Jeanne Le Loup De Reuse Anke D Consultancy Knight Consulting Senergy I.C.Y. Alemi Durable Technologies Group Cheminor Van Campenhout Frans DV Consulting H De Valck Chivu Andrei-Valentin MDC BTW Eenheid Antola Importexco Earth Wind & Solar Energy Vereniging van Medeeigenaars van de Residentie Koning Albertstraat 86 te Merchtem Drijpikkel Klubhuis The Imagination Company Vandewalle Johny Vandewalle Johny & Devid FDR PLEISTERWERKEN Van Dyk Walter De Bisschop + Geerts Celeg Pilgrim Invest Staes Services Ballon Guy Junius Rolling Stock Ambras vzw JDC Management Consulting Sarens Sofie Management Decision Support B.S.L. Od Bakery De Abeel All Car Yannick Carli Hoefsmederij Zenti Kela Patricia Kela Carmen Kela Alexis Billemont Marie-Anne A Project Cortes Savermo Creative Solutions, Consultancy and More... Gena Props Butt TCR Construct Trees & More Hermans Vanessa Frans Energy & Engineering E. L. B Amarant De Potter Minigolf de Kouter Mobile Vat Regulations d.P. & V. Info Systems Design Antwerp Fashion Outlet Balck Denise Informa Europe Nestas Hama Co Matthys NV Asselman Johan Gaston Cluster-Link Le Maire V&D Motors MK-It Consulting Ledegen Pablo Creobiz Y. D Trans Alpha Immo Sia Benelux inVINity Van Malderen Yari De Pauw Jan Lodewijk Van Laere Sigrid Dp Fuel Confidant Simpson Marc Marly VC De Mars Steven Mossa Sebastiano Château de Waha Van Hove Francis Vos Diane eg. De Coninck Vrijdag J Caudron Management & Consultancy Du Bois Dirk CLC Projects Cream of the Crop Events Made Possible Kappa One Harrar Transport Van Humbeeck Epona Belgium Meg & Mel Van Laeken Bo Antwerp House Partners Dr Schiltz Marc Wellness Cafe Ibn Chaib Fouad Business Consultancy and Training Van Haaren Elisabeth Van Haaren Nicolas Schoukens Gunter ML Business Van Hiel Guy De Cooman Michel Portée Georges SDS Legal Hamco Dr.David Lerouge De Saeger Johan Schoukens Jozef F L R Ceuppens Ilse @Hair PSM Consulting A.J.C.B. CVA MGT Florida Mode Van Assche Marcel Aelbrecht Linda Sgt. Sally Adfiboco Stepie Elle Translation Thomas Aimée Leo Plas VG Project Simbelgium Exposure Music Awards Belgium Firma Thomas Westside Consultancy Estate and Landscape Management talent for Growth Zebulah National Paintball Games TWO Bioshop Van Lier Jan Mast & Co Sarens Jonas PH002 Invest Advance Archive Architecture DZ Cars Van Veer Jozef Xaveer Desodi Personenvennootschap met Beperkte Aansprakelijkheid Autocars en Reisbureau P Heyvaert S.V.R.Consult Endo Ken Demol BVBA Vincent Bouveret Cecali @ Work Hommen Studio Vélo Cycling Store Lenter Sanders Johan Handling and Logistic Services Neves Eric-Christin Hertsens Marie Kermadi Aranguiz Carlos Cofcom Red Code Easylegal Mina Consulting Equino Meskens Jeannine Bull's Eye Copain & Copine Jure INVEST compu - Trade Compu-Trade BTW Eenheid Vanderstichelen Anthony Kereknaoui Anas Menama Nkoy Charly Skilz Helios International Ray William Coppens Peter Braem Kelly A'Store Sievax Comag Bogaerts Cornelis L Re-Tail Return Partners I Re-Tail Return Partners II

List of popular company searches in Belgium
Belgian companies members of a corporate family tree